SMALL: sweet potatoes, broccoli or cauliflower, radishes, Daikon radish, salad turnips, Tokyo bekana or red leaf lettuce, chives or basil, parsley, Bosc pears, and Crimson Crisp apples.
LARGE: Kabocha or zucchini, cabbage, tomatillos, sweet potatoes, broccoli or cauliflower, radishes, Daikon, salad turnips, Tokyo Bekana or read leaf lettuce, chives or basil, Bosc pears, and Crimson Crisp apples.
FRUIT ONLY: raspberries, Honeycrisp apples, Fuji apples, and raspberries.
The SEASONAL FRUIT of the week add-on is raspberries.
FLOWER SHARES (last week): calendula, dahlia, ageratum, gomphrena, zinnia, and more.
Enjoy! We appreciate your support!