Yum, yum, yum. Raspberries come in all types of colors - Red are the most common but you also have black and amber (and purple but we don't have any purple varieties planted at this time). Raspberries are very fragile and highly perishable. They are in season from June through September.
Red Raspberries have an intense sweet-tart taste.
Amber Raspberries are sweet and the most mild tasting.

Storage: Keep in the container they came in or gently spread out on a paper-towel lined plate in the fridge. Use as soon as possible - within a few days. Remove any moldy ones as soon as possible to limit the spread of the mold. Do not wash until you are ready to use.
Frozen Black Raspberry Cream Bars
Smashed Raspberry Lemonade Cocktail
White Peach and Raspberry Smoothie
Raspberry Buttermilk Muffins