Broccoli is a well known member of the brassica family. To those of you saying right now, "I don't like broccoli," have you ever had fresh broccoli? I agree that frozen broccoli is nothing to write home about, but fresh is pretty darn good. While the florets are most commonly eaten, the stalk and the leaves are also edible. Broccoli can be eaten raw, steamed, stir-fried, roasted, fried, used in soups, and more.
Storage: Keep broccoli in a plastic bag in the fridge for up to a week.
Preparation: Rinse under running water. Cut or break off the florets and peel and slice or shred the stalk. Enjoy raw or cooked.
Beef with Broccoli Stir Fry
Broccoli and Cheddar Soup Grilled Cheese
Greek Broccoli Salad
Baked Broccoli Parmesan Dip