SMALL: sweet potatoes, carrots, cauliflower or broccoli, fennel, lettuce, Daikon radish, parsley, an Asian pear, and Pink Lady apples.
LARGE: Brussels sprouts, Tokyo bekana, baby bok choy, radishes, chives or sorrel, sweet potatoes, carrots, cauliflower or broccoli, fennel, lettuce, parsley, Asian pears, and Pink Lady apples.
FRUIT ONLY: Asian, pears, Fuji apples, Granny Smith apples, and Ever Crisp apples.
The SEASONAL FRUIT of the week add-on is Cameo apples.
MEAT TRIO: beef roast (either top round or eye roast), a whole chicken, bacon wrapped pork loin, ground beef, and bacon.
CHICKENS ONLY: boneless breasts, legs, spinach feta sausage, and a whole chicken.
Enjoy! Thanks for supporting our family farm!