This week's CSAs have the following items:
Small Veggies with Fruit Shares: celery root, fennel, spinach or baby bok choy, crimini mushrooms, white potatoes, Granny Smith apples, Jonagold apples, parsley or mint, and winter squash: Kubocha, Hubbard, or butternut.
Large Veggies with Fruit Shares: kohlrabi or Brussels sprouts, onions, escarole, parsley or mint, celery root, fennel, spinach or baby bok choy, crimini mushrooms, white potatoes, Granny Smith apples, Jonagold apples, and winter squash: Kubocha, Hubbard, or butternut.
Fruit Only Shares: dried strawberries, Pink Lady apples, Granny Smith apples, and Fuji apples.