Monday, July 31, 2017

Shares Week of July 31, 2017

Small/Large Veggies with Fruit Shares: corn, green beans, eggplant, tomatoes, Candy onions, lettuce, cilantro or basil, and peaches - both yellow and white.

Large Veggies with Fruit Shares: all of the above, plus Swiss chard or kale, arugula, peppers - either Poblano, frying, and/or green bell, yellow or Patty Pan squash, and oregano or rosemary.

Fruit Only Shares:  Honey melon, white nectarines, and blackberries.


Highland Orchards Farm Market, is a small, family-owned and operated farm in northern Delaware, established 1832. We grow fruits and vegetables without synthetic chemicals or pesticides. We sell our produce through our farm market located on the farm, through our CSA program, and at two farmers’ markets in Philadelphia. Real food, a real farm, for people who really like to eat!