Monday, September 8, 2014

This week the shares have:

All veggie shares: 
Leaf lettuce, green beans, cucumber, peaches, gold potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, and an herb (pictured is mint but cilantro and thyme are also possibilities).
Large veggie shares also have: 
Kale (pictured is red ale but curly green and spigarello kale are also possibilities), eggplant, corn, and peppers (red, green, or yellow). 

Fruit shares have yellow peaches, watermelon, and ginger gold apples. 

Highland Orchards Farm Market, is a small, family-owned and operated farm in northern Delaware, established 1832. We grow fruits and vegetables without synthetic chemicals or pesticides. We sell our produce through our farm market located on the farm, through our CSA program, and at two farmers’ markets in Philadelphia. Real food, a real farm, for people who really like to eat!