Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Middle of Summer - Work in Progress!

The rain softened the branches and we had some tree
damage to our pear and plum trees

Rain rain go away.
Chelsea wants to come out and play :(
The poor pigs had their pen flood almost
everyday (sometimes twice a day)
And of course all the wet made things
 - like these peaches - rot 

We had a good crop of gooseberries though
The swiss chard hasn't done too bad - which is good
since it is a family favorite

The cool spring made the strawberries late.
But we enjoyed them just as much

We managed to get a good crop of cherries
picked between storms

        www.highlandorchrdsfarmmarket.com       highlandcsa@gmail.com

Highland Orchards Farm Market, is a small, family-owned and operated farm in northern Delaware, established 1832. We grow fruits and vegetables without synthetic chemicals or pesticides. We sell our produce through our farm market located on the farm, through our CSA program, and at two farmers’ markets in Philadelphia. Real food, a real farm, for people who really like to eat!